Dear LCA friends,

Beginning Sunday, March 7th, we will be moving to indoor, in-person worship at 10 am. We will continue to follow the County’s health guidelines which we were observing previously, listed below. While we recognize that people will return to worship when they choose, it is with great joy and anticipation that we look forward to providing the opportunity to gather together once again in worship and praise to our Lord!

With that being said, I want to express how grateful I am for our worship/video team and all the work they have done over this past year to help us through this difficult time. Their work is greatly appreciated!

We continue to give thanks for each of you as we persevere through this time and continue to proclaim together our God-gifted hope in Christ. May God bless our faith journey together, and we look forward to worshiping together with you very soon!

Here are the temporary safety protocols:

  • All worshippers are required to wear a mask when entering the sanctuary. Please provide
    your own. Our worship leaders will not be wearing a mask when they are speaking/leading but will maintain a minimum of 15+ feet from the congregation when doing so. (Pastor and
    communion assistants will mask when distributing communion.)

  • We ask that you please respectfully maintain social distancing (6+ feet) and alternate seating
    in the pews so as not to be directly in front or behind another person. (The sharing of the
    peace and children’s message will be suspended for the time being).

  • Children need to remain with their household unit and not interact with other children.

  • At-risk individuals are encouraged to continue to shelter in place at home.

  • We encourage self-health screening at home, following CDC guidelines. If you are not feeling
    well, PLEASE stay home.

  • Our maximum capacity limit is 63 for the time being.

  • Communion will be distributed from a communion “station” in the front of the sanctuary. Disposable cups only will be used. As we will not be passing the offering plate during the service, you may bring your offering to the front and place it in the offering basket when coming forward for communion.

  • Worshippers will be encouraged to enjoy a time of coffee and fellowship outdoors following the service.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns:

Pastor Rick Barklage
(707) 822-5117

As we move forward with compassion for one another, we are trusting the Lord and carefully following the suggested guidelines from our local health officials. We realize that there are a variety of viewpoints as to what should and should not be done. This is a time to focus on and celebrate the unity that we have together in Christ and we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we move through this process.

In Christ,
Pastor Rick