Dear LCA friends,

Over the past few weeks, I have fielded questions regarding the wearing of masks in worship and what our way forward will look like. With the mixed messages we have received from federal, state and local agencies, it’s understandable that there are questions and that there is the need to have some clear direction moving forward. After discussing this issue with the Church Council, we have set Sunday, June 20th, as the date that masks will be optional for those attending worship. From this point on, we will leave it to a person’s own discretion as to whether or not they choose to wear a mask while attending worship.

This has been a long journey, and I also realize that this issue of mask wearing has been a polarizing issue for many. However, I’m very thankful for our congregation’s willingness to comply with our county’s health directives, as I believe it displays our willingness to partner with our community in a positive way. I am also very appreciative of everyone’s patience, compassion and diligence in following the guidelines that were put forth to try to keep this virus as contained as possible in our community to protect those most vulnerable and not overwhelm our health care system. You have been a model steward and witness to our community and I commend you for that. I am also confident that as we move forward out of this, we will be understanding and supportive of one another as a community of believers, whichever way a person chooses to move forward and the individual decisions they make for their own personal health and wellness.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns:

Pastor Rick Barklage
(707) 822-5117

We realize that there are a variety of viewpoints as to what should and should not be done. This is a time to focus on and celebrate the unity that we have together in Christ and we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we move through this process.

In Christ,
Pastor Rick